If it’s free, it’s for me. I’m sure many of you have heard that phrase before. And many of us live by it. I’m dangerous at Costco and Sam’s Club. All those free samples, so little time. The samples start out as free, but by the end of my shopping trip, my cart is filled with the free stuff having transformed into purchases. I asked Google who first invented this brilliant concept.
But for once, Google let me down. We cannot give credit to anyone!
But Google did lead me to another phrase: “If it’s free, put me down for two, please.” That bit of wisdom is from Rolf Harris. However, as it turns out, Harris is an Australian singer, songwriter and convicted felon. So while Harris got prison time, you won’t if you come to sample all the free stuff at the South Hillsborough Chamber’s Spring Business Expo. The most important thing to know is that admission is free, as always. And the event in Sun City Center’s Community Hall is both golf cart and car accessible – so no excuses there about why you cannot attend. And depending upon where you live in Sun City Center, you could walk, as well. Though I don’t recommend the walking part; you wouldn’t have to worry about finding that perfect parking space.
But once you get inside, the free stuff expands like my shopping cart at Sam’s Club and Costco. Our members are waiting to meet you and explain what business and services they can provide for you. I know many of you come every year to our two expos and think you know all of our members. But we have new members join every year, so you don’t know everyone…but you should. Not only are they a great resource for your needs, I can tell you from knowing them, they are a great group of people, as well.
So on Thursday, Feb. 23, from 9 a.m. until noon, come on out and discover the magic of South Hillsborough County. It is a magical place to work, live and play. Just take a look around Community Hall, and you’ll see why. And even if free stuff is your strongest motivation to attend, you won’t be disappointed. Freebies abound and you will get the chance to enter to try to win some great prizes. In addition, the Rotary Club of Sun City Center is putting its hot dog machine to good use in exchange for a donation to support the club’s great work in the community.
Our strolling magician will add to our magical theme. However, Amazon has yet to ship my magic wand, so I may just be a spectator this year in all things magical. Our list of vendors is still growing, but in next week’s edition of this paper, we’ll give you the list of who’s attending. Just remember, our members are there for you, so come out and meet them. You won’t be disappointed. We just want you to discover the magic of living in South Hillsborough County.
Lynne Conlan is executive director of the South Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce. Call her at 813-634-5111, or email lynne@southhillschamber.com.