Emergency preparedness high priority for KP leadership
Drawing from their experience last year with Hurricane Irma, the Kings Point Federation (umbrella organization for KP’s 110 condo and three homeowner associations) and First Residential (KP property management) are taking a proactive stance for the upcoming hurricane season. Their mission: Inform residents about preparing for a storm and actions to take afterward, and to assure them that their properties will be taken care of if anything happens.
Federation President Joan Chace recognizes that many KP residents are new to the community; that means some associations may have board members who are new as well. They invited all the association presidents to join them in Veterans Theater on May 23 to clarify KP’s emergency procedures and to meet with representatives of their vendors who hold contracts for restoring property. Their end game is to have these leaders take information from the meeting back to residents in their respective areas.
In FirstService Residential General Manager Rick Dowswell’s remarks, he reminded attendees that Sun City Center is not a designated evacuation zone and neither the KP North Club nor the South Club, the 2020 Centre, etc. are shelters. He also clarified the policy for sending employees home when weather conditions are deemed unsafe. Representatives from the vendors also spoke to offer assurance that residents could expect high quality, rapid response following any catastrophe.
The KP Amateur Radio Club and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) were also on hand to explain services they can offer as needed.
Handouts encouraging preparation were available from several sources, e.g., KP management, Hillsborough County and SCC emergency support organizations. The KP Oakley Green Association also contributed a detailed document they had prepared called “Workshop in a Box” about hurricane preparedness and was offering it to the other associations as a guide.
Kings Point leadership is to be commended for the action it is taking to help its residents. Personal preparedness and working together as a community — that’s what it’s all about.