Executive Director, Sun City Center Area Chamber of Commerce
Our 8th annual Chamber Cup Classic is set for April 20 at the Sandpiper Golf Club, and all area golfers are invited to tee up. Registration begins at 7 a.m., the shotgun start at 8:30.
We wanted to give you plenty of time to get your foursomes together, hence the advance notice. You’ve heard of the adage, “The early bird catches the worm.” Well, in this case, the early bird gets a deal. Sign up by March 20, and you can save $25 as an individual golfer or $100 on your foursome!
The Chamber Golf Classic is a terrific deal all around. You’ll get a great breakfast and lunch provided again this year by Sandpiper Grille, and your registration fee entitles you to a SuperTicket that includes mulligans, entry into each of the day’s contests, chances to win tons of door prizes and more.
I’ve personally made sure that the coveted blue coats for the Chamber Cup Classic’s victors have been dry cleaned and are ready for them to don while exercising their bragging rights. We’ll also be giving out individual awards for the shot closest to the hole, the winner of the putting contest, longest drive and the shot closest to the alligator (no live animals will be harmed).
And we have something of interest for golfers and non-golfers alike. Purchase a ticket that corresponds to a numbered golf ball or as many as you like for entry into our very lucrative golf ball drop. You could easily win hundreds of dollars if your ball drops closest to the pin. The cost is as follows: one ticket for $5; three tickets for $10; five for $15; eight for $20; and 25 for $50. It’s like an action-packed 50/50!
The tickets are available at the chamber or from any chamber board member or ambassador. And if you’re a local business, call us about hole sponsorships.
Even if you decide you’re not ready to hit the links, everyone is welcome to come by the chamber to buy raffle tickets for our infamous Chest of Cheer, which could keep you and your friends partying all year long.
If you’re interested in joining us at this fun event, registration forms are available at the chamber. Stop in to pick one up or give us a call at 813-634-5111 to have one emailed to you.
Long story short, let’s play golf!
The Sandpiper Golf Club is at 1702 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center.