Rena Greenberg has been on national television and will soon be featured in Woman’s World magazine. Jan 6, she will be in South County, teaching how to change unwanted behaviors, especially eating practices. Some people have lost as much as 140 pounds using the methods of hypnotherapy for which she is certified.
Rena Greenberg learned the importance of preventive health the hard way when she was still very young.
Recovering from her illness caused her to study what has now helped thousands of people across the country, and she is coming to share that knowledge with South County, Jan. 6.
Greenberg has been featured on news shows including Good Morning America, clips of which are shown at tinyurl.com/observer-GMA, and ABC-TV’s Nightline, which can be seen at tinyurl.com/observer-nightline.
She has also been on many other radio and television networks, including CNN and, most recently (Nov. 4), The Doctors, telling her story and showing how others can lose weight and also use her technique to change other unwanted behaviors so they can live a healthy lifestyle.
“I was living a fast-paced life in New York City in my early 20s,” Greenberg said. “But I lost my energy and ended up in Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. The only thing they said kept me alive was the fact I was so young. I was in the hospital for three weeks, had a heart attack in the hospital and the cardiologist found I had the heart of an 80-year-old.”
The doctors put in a pacemaker but gave her no instructions on how to stay healthy.
“I know the power of the mind, and I also know most of the medical profession is missing that piece,” she said in an interview Dec. 15.
After leaving the hospital with a pacemaker, Greenberg started a quest to learn all the methods she could use to help herself not only heal but to become a healthy person in mind and body alike.
She knew the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., had recently spent millions on mind-body study and that those at the cutting edge of medicine were aware of the power of the mind.
She became a certified biofeedback therapist and hypnotherapist and started a program called Wellness Seminars Inc.
“I knew I had a big sugar-carb addiction and feared I would end up back in the hospital if I didn’t change my lifestyle,” Greenberg said. “Along the way, I began to realize that what I was doing could help others. This wasn’t related to what happened to my heart, but it was a big wake-up call.”
For more than 25 years now, she has been helping thousands of people with their weight problems and other behavior changes to make healthier choices of lifestyle. During that time she has been a guest on many television and radio shows, all of which are linked to her main website: www.easywillpower.com.
Her methods are based on her two certifications in hypnosis from the Eastern NLP Institute and National Guild of Hypnotists, as well as a certification from the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. She is also a certified hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming trainer, and has a master’s degree in Divinity from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.
She gives two programs: one is the group seminar she is bringing to South County and another where she gives private sessions to people who are considering gastric bypass. That program is called Gastric Bypass Hypnosis; people get to avoid the invasive procedure by using the hypnosis instead.
Julie Evans of Michigan lost 140 pounds and appeared on television shows with Greenberg to tell her story. When interviewed by telephone Dec. 15, she gave the following statement:
“I went to see Rena for hypnosis to lose weight at a local hospital seminar about eight years ago. The day after the seminar, I was craving spinach. My mom, who came with me, was craving carrots. I felt great immediately.
“I lost 100 pounds after that. Then I did Rena’s Gastric Bypass Hypnosis that cut all my cravings for sugar, and I went on to lose another 40 pounds. Now I have lost 140 pounds and I feel fantastic,” Evans said.
A Tampa client, Barbara Cox, will be with Greenberg at the South County demonstration. She has already lost 100 pounds and will be giving her testimony.
The January issue of Woman’s World magazine that goes on sale Dec. 25 will feature a story on Greenberg and her programs.
Greenberg has written two books about the process, The Craving Cure (McGraw Hill) and The Right Way (Hay House). Some of the information she has written about is condensed on a CD that will be included as a gift to all who attend the Jan. 6 seminar. People who preregister will get a $10 savings from the cost of attendance. All the information, including preregistration forms, is found at www.easywillpower.com.