An estimated 5,000 people, including some who lost their heads, turned out for last year’s Trick or Treat Street. The annual familly-friendly event will take place on Saturday at Riverview High School. Photo courtesy of Huth & Booth Photography
RIVERVIEW – Trick or Treat Street 2012 will take place at Riverview High School Saturday, October 20 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. The family-friendly event is thought to be one of the largest of its kind in the nation, with an estimated 5,000 people in attendance last year.
“This event is near and dear to my heart,” said Tanya Doran, executive director of the Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce. “Trick or Treat Street is a fun community event that provides a safe environment for families to enjoy. It is a place for neighbors to gather and have fun.”
The event is presented by the Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce, The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Hillsborough County Parks and Rec Department and Riverview High School.
“RVHS has been a partner with the Chamber for many years and it has been a great opportunity for our students to participate and give back to our community,” said Riverview High School Principal Bob Heilmann. “Thousands of youngsters have trick or treated here and many are now students here — it’s neat that now they are on the other side of the program, giving in lieu of receiving. RVHS is a community school and we are proud of our name and what we mean to our community.”
Area churches, businesses and other organizations participate in dressing up, decorating their booths and distributing candy or small toys to children of all ages. Prize ribbons are awarded for booth design and decoration in several categories.
Admission to the event is free. Parking is $3 and $5 wristbands will be available for food and beverages to help defray the costs of the event.